Thursday, May 2, 2013

The beginning of my journey through braces+surgery

5 months down 5 to go! 21 with braces...

Hey everyone!
This is my first post to start off my journey through braces and jaw surgery. I have an openbite and my jaw comes forward a bit when I am just relaxing (small underbite). This seems like a minor thing to some people but for me, it has become a problem. I can't eat certain things because I am unable to bite down with my front teeth and I have a tiny speech problem because my tongue goes through my front teeth. Also in pictures it would be nice if my teeth would close :) So to fix these problems I have opted to have jaw surgery! I knew about 4 years ago when I was 17 that braces alone wouldn't fix this problem and I needed the surgery. Me, being in my senior year of highschool and about to go into college said no way...due to the braces. I am now 21 and going into my senior year of college and the reality of life is bigger than it was 3 years ago. My parents are willing to pay for the surgery now I want to get everything out of the way before I have a real job and get married... and all that fun stuff.
I got my braces on November 26, 2012. So to this date it has been 5 months and a few days. My orthodontist said I would have the braces for 10-12 months before surgery and 4-6 months post-surgery. Apparently this isn't that long to them since my teeth are already straight. I am aiming for the 10 and 4 months.
I probably won't be posting much until it gets closer to surgery time (hopefully 5 more months) but I just wanted to put some pictures of myself before braces and in braces. Yes, I look a good 5 years younger than I am. It's tough seeing people and trying to talk normally when all i'm thinking about is how stupid the braces look and how i'm stumbling over my words. Being 21 with braces definitely has it's downs but I know in the end it will all be worth it. I would love to talk with those of you who have already been through this process, those contemplating, or those in the same stage as I am!
Good luck to all starting this journey!


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