Sunday, September 8, 2013

the night before jaw surgery

It's 10 p.m and I have to wake up at 4 to go to the hospital because tomorrow's the big day! I didn't update after my appointments but there wasn't much that happened that was different from other appointments. I got my surgical hooks at the orthodontist and then went to the hospital to pre register for surgery. There, they took my blood and gave me the instructions of what to do and not to do before surgery. From there I went to my surgeon's office. He answered my last minute questions and wrote me all my prescriptions. I will be in surgery for about 5 hours so ill be done around 1:30.
I'm feeling really anxious and just want it all to be over with. My doctor gave me an anxiety pill so I can actually sleep tonight so that helps. I have an amazing support system that's making this process so much easier. My mom, dad, boyfriend, and my sister, who flew in from Alabama, are all coming tomorrow.
Well i'm off to sleep for a couple hours! I've put my boyfriend in charge of documenting everything. I will update as soon as I can.

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